[ 1 ] Peacock, Pearls, Pictures, & Flute ♥

First post! :) I have been sick the past 2 days so I stayed at home, and in my boredom I decided to A) Make this blog, and B) Use it to show my dress designs and some photography. Majority of my photography is on my DA account : make-the-world-smile.deviantart.com, but the photos I took yesterday are pretty similar so I don't want to clutter my account with all of them. But anyways, here are my pictures, and I own every prop used.

The first set contains my flute and peacock feather with various other 'props'.

The second set contains pictures of a relatives wedding, a photo album, and various other props once again.

Well that's that! I would love to hear from anyone who comes across my page! :)
And if you want to look at my other photography, check out my DA page!

♫ P & L ♪ ~ Kitty ♥